[1]《非线性方程和优化的理论、高效算法及其应用研究》, 湖南省自然科学奖二等奖,2009年,排名第二.
[1] 《数字图象处理中的几类结构矩阵的理论和算法研究》(10771022,2008-01至2010-12),结题,主持.
[2] 《磁纳米粒子检测中的相关数值分析问题的研究》(11371075,2014-01至2017-12),结题,主持.
[1] Liu C. Z.(刘成志);Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云);Han X. L.;Preconditioned progressive iterative approximation for tensor product Bézier patches, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 185(2021): 372-383。
[2] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Zhou Y., Zhang Y.L. (葡萄牙),On inexact alternating direction implicit iteration for continuous Sylvester equations,Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.,2020; e2320,https://doi.org/10.1002/nla.2320。
[3] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Li S., Yin Y., Zhang Y.L. (葡萄牙),Fast solvers for tridiagonal Toeplitz linear systems,Comput. Appl. Math., 39(2020):315, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-020-01369-3.
[4] Liu C. Z.(刘成志);Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云);Progressive iterative approximation with preconditioners, Mathematics, 8(2020), 1503,https://doi.org/10.3390/ math8091503。
[5] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Li Z., Ferreira C.(葡萄牙), Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), Stationary splitting iterative methods for the matrix equation AXB = C,Applied Math. Comput., 378 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2020.125195, SCI。
[6] Tian Z. L.,Liu Y.,Zhang Y.,Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Tian M. Y.,The general inner-outer iteration method based on regular splittings for the Pagerank problem,Applied Math. Comput., 356 (2019): 479-501, SCI。
[7] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Chen S. H.,Xu W. J.,Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙),The eigen- structures of real (skew) circulant matrices with some applications,Comput. Appl. Math., 38 (2019): 178, doi.org/10.1007/s40314-019-0971-9, SCI。
[8] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Zhou Y.,Zhang Y. L.,Lin L., Xie D. X.,Some remarks on Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel-type iteration methods for the matrix equation AXB = C,Applied Math. Comput., 354 (2019): 305-307,SCI。
[9] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Wu N. C.,Qin X. R.,Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙),Trigonometric transform splitting methods for real symmetric Toeplitz systems,Comput. Math. Appl., 75 (2018): 2782-2794,SCI。
[10] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Qin X. R.,Wu N. C.,Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙),The shifted classical circulant and skew circulant splitting iterative methods for Toeplitz matrices,Canad. Math. Bull., 60 (2017): 807-815,SCI。
[11] Tian Z. L.,Tian M. Y., Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Xu T. Y., The Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel-type iteration methods for the matrix equation AXB = C,Applied Math. Comput., 292 (2017): 63-75,SCI。
[12] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Ralha R. (葡萄牙),Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙),Ferreira C. (葡萄牙),Minimization problems for certain structured matrices,ELA,30 (2015):613-631,SCI。
[13] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), Santos J. (葡萄牙), Ralha R. (葡萄牙), On computing complex square roots of real matrices,Appl. Math. Lett., 25 (2012): 1565-1568,SCI。
[14] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), Ferreira C. (葡萄牙), Ralha R. (葡萄牙), Structure-preserving Schur methods for computing square roots of real skew Hamiltonian matrices,ELA,23 (2012): 845-865, SCI。
[15] 刘仲云,刘成志,张育林(葡萄牙),对称正定Toeplitz方程组的多级迭代求解, 计算数学,34 (2012): 397-404, CSCD。
[16] 王创新, 刘仲云, 一种高速密集视频监控场景背景重构方法, 数据采集与处理, 27 (2012): 346-352, CSCD。
[17] Lin L., Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), An alternating projected gradient algorithm for nonnegative matrix factorization, Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (2011): 9997-10002, SCI。
[18] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), Ferreira C. (葡萄牙), Ralha R. (葡萄牙), On inverse eigenvalue problems for block Toeplitz matrices with Toeplitz blocks, Applied Math. Comput., 216 (2010): 1819-1830, SCI。
[19] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),Chen L., Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), The reconstruction of an Hermitian Toeplitz matrices with prescribed eigenpairs,J. Syst. Sci. Complex., 23 (2010): 961-970, SCI。
[20] Wang C. X. (王创新), Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Total variation for image restoration with smooth area protection, J. Signal Proc. Syst., 61 (2010): 271-277, SCI。
[21]. Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云),H. Fassbender (德国), Some properties of generalized K-centrosymmetric H-matrices,J. Comput. Applied Math., 215 (2008): 38-48, SCI。
[22] Xie D. X, Zhang Z. Z.,Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Theory and method for updating least-squares finite element model of symmetric generalized centrosymmetric matrices, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 216 (2008): 484-497, SCI。
[23] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Zhang Y. L. (葡萄牙), Ralha R. (葡萄牙): Computing the square roots of matrices with central symmetry, Applied Math. Comput., 186 (2007): 715-726, SCI。
[24] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Fassbender H.(德国), An inverse eigenvalue problem and an associated approximation problem for generalized K-centrohermitian matrices, J. Comput. Applied Math., 206 (2007): 578-585, 2007,SCI。
[25] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Chen H. J., Cao H. D., The computation of the principal square roots of centrosymmetric H-matrices, Appl. Math. Comput., 175 (2006): 319-329, SCI。
[26] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Tian Z. L.,Tan Y. X., Computing the least-square solutions for centrohermitian matrix problems, Appl. Math. Comput., 174 (2006): 566-577, SCI。
[27] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Cao H. D., Chen H. J., A note on computing matrix-vector products with generalized centrosymmetric (centrohermitian) matrices, Appl. Math. Comput., 169(2005): 1332-1345, SCI。
[28] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Some properties of centrosymmetric matrices and its applications, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. , 14(2005): 136-148, CSCD。
[29] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), A note on the determinant formulas computation of generalized inverse matrix Padé approximation, Appl. Math. Comput., 150(2004): 865-873, SCI。
[30] Liu Z. Y. (刘仲云), Some properties of centrosymmetric matrices, Appl. Math. Comput., 141(2003): 297-306, SCI。